1.   Recognising the problem, district councillors have come up with a much needed cash injection to ease the crisis.

2.   Although Vance was criticized in some quarters for being slow to call in federal troops, he won praise from black leaders for easing the crisis.

3.   And if the crisis is only eased, it will break out again and spread.

4.   And while the California problem is complex, there is little doubt that conservation has been a key factor in easing the crisis.

5.   But AIDS experts are divided over whether drug manufacture in developing countries is really the best way to ease the crisis.

6.   But behind the bureaucratic talk, the ministers are trying to ease a crisis that has played havoc with hundreds of millions of lives.

7.   Expansionary monetary policy, which has pushed interest rates close to zero, has done little to ease the crisis.

8.   He also expects the international community to help ease the crisis in Asian financial markets.

9.   He said Pakistan had also pledged to take steps in coming days specifically designed to ease the crisis and rebuild trust.

10.   However, Sanchez, who said she wished the cardinal had spoken more about the scandal, was less certain about whether the Rome meeting would ease the crisis.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
ease + n. >>共 771
tension 10.44%
concern 7.61%
restriction 7.59%
pressure 4.88%
pain 3.95%
sanction 3.90%
fear 3.72%
burden 2.58%
regulation 1.62%
closure 1.57%
crisis 1.38%
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